You Can’t Rush Your Aesthetic

Fluffy buttermilk pancakes

Doesn't a full, fluffy pancake with crispy edges, butter melting and maple syrup drizzled all over, just taste like heaven exploding in your mouth?

Well, I used to make the most depressing pancakes in life; my knife would literally hit the plate on contact because they were so flat.

I knew I was obviously doing something wrong so one day while I was complaining about it, Instagram sent me a pancake tutorial ad! I know, wtf!

But thanks to the tutorial, I discovered my recipe was missing a 'magic ingredient', freaking baking soda! And that the key to making the pancakes fluffy, is that you can't blend the batter perfectly, you have to fold the ingredients slowly and leave some clusters of flour. Again wtf!

Fast forward, if you watch my Instagram stories, you know I make pancakes every Saturday and let's just say, they are beyond heavenly...and nobody is touching my pancake game!

Blueberry Pancakes

So what does this have to do with your aesthetic?

Well much like making pancakes, your aesthetic involves slowly folding in the aesthetic elements...including your magic ingredient.

I think that the best brands are built after your aesthetic has been developed.

Because if you invest in branding too fast, it will be missing the clusters aka the authentic, imperfect things your audience will connect're gonna get a flat, shallow brand.

But when you develop your aesthetic slowly, it gives you time to discover your magic ingredient.

And when you find it and fold it in, I guarantee, your audience will get a heavenly, fluffy af experience when they engage with you and your brand.



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