3 Personal Brand Assets Every Small-Business, Service-Based Founder Needs in 2021

As a small-business, service-based founder, you need to leverage everything you’ve got to run your most badass business. Your personal brand is f*cking loaded w/ opportunities that will help you to differentiate, make your clients want more of you & stay loyal to you...that does not involve hustling hard!

Let’s get to the 3 assets you can leverage in 2021!


1.Your one-of-a-kind aesthetic

Your aesthetic moves your clients/customers from engaging w/ you in a transactional way to a more thoughtful, relationship-based way. Your aesthetic is the vibe & the sensorial experiences your clients/customers associate w/ you & your products/services: it's how good you make them feel, the inspiration & transformation they experience when they use & buy what you offer.

People might not remember what you did but they will remember how you made them feel

… they’ll keep coming back to you, they’ll remember you & be loyal to you because they’ve connected w/ you on a deeper, more aspirational level.

Developing your aesthetic also helps you to communicate a differentiated, more personal & value-based message instead of one based on price & product/service features that literally anyone can claim.


2. A framework for the work you do all the time

2021 is all about ease, because if you experienced 2020, hustling & working hard is just not it. So for the work rituals you do all the time, use a framework to do the heavy lifting.

A framework is a process & intention-oriented set of rules or steps that help you deliver consistent value to your clients.

Frameworks save you time because you won’t have to start from scratch every time you welcome a new client & the more you repeat your framework; the more effortlessly & automatically you can execute the most important rituals in your business.


3. A space you’re inspired by

Imagine how a space you feel inspired by; a space you’ll be sad to leave but excited to go back to each morning…would just transform the way you work!

Studies show how our environment affect our moods & how it energizes us, so do yourself a favor & create a space that reflects your style & who you are as a leader...& a person; so you can do inspired work because in 2021, when we work, it has to be a vibe!



You Can’t Rush Your Aesthetic


How to Make Inspiration Your B*tch!